'Celebration of Lament', 3 May 2023, Cambridge, U.K.
The poet Vona Groarke writes to say that the Cambridge (England) Group for Irish Studies will host a symposium on Lament on May 3rd at Magdalene College, Cambridge. Attendance (free) in person or online via Zoom; registration is required:
'Lament: A Celebration': a Cambridge Group for Irish Studies day-long symposium marking the 250th Anniversary of the celebrated Irish poem 'Caoineadh Airt Uí Laoghaire' / 'Lament for Art O'Leary'. Talks, music, film and poetry honouring the Irish tradition of the Keen, and also exploring mourning rituals, improvised poetry, questions of translation, and women's poetic voices in the eighteenth century. Speakers include Prof Angela Bourke, and poets Martina Evans, Fran Lock and Paul Muldoon. In-person and online via zoom. Free, but registration required. Full details and registration tabs here: https://www.english.cam.ac.uk/events/CGIS-Lament/index.htm