Paris, 5 January 2024
So here we are in Paris. All night I tried to sleep with airplane roar still in my ears and belly. Right now I re-making a New Year 2024 resolution to never reread a blog post after it’s been posted, no matter how much I am tempted to delay putting new words on the page by reading old posts. Instead I read some new poems by D.A Powell on the Poetry Foundation website and was cheered. It’s hard to believe one can change what’s out the window so drastically by sitting on a plane for 10 hours. It was still pitch black at 7 am; I wondered if the clocks were wrong, but I looked at a watch, ipad and got up to check the clock on the stove and yes, it was not yet 8 o’clock: no street noise, no lights on in other apartments. I made myself a hot water bottle and went back to my airplane noise.