Time flies...

Already August, mid- or becoming-late August. I have just finished a morning of translation, a new book by Hélène Cixous that I may translate. I have been doing the last section, which struck me as particularly moving, to see whether I want to do the rest. Yes, I think, so far, but I shall have a look at the first section next week. I am working from Gallimard’s pdf of the book which came out last year, and which has a translator’s nightmare of a title: Rêvoir: straightforward if it weren’t for for that little circumflex capping the e…

Also correcting the copy-edited Cixous translation I worked on in the south of France during Covid, one of my Covid confinement memories,Well-kept Ruins in English, Ruines bien rangées in French, first published, by Gallimard, in 2020 and published by Seagull Books in English. Thank you to my (I’m feeling possessive!) excellent copy-editor, Sunandini Banerjee, and of course to Naveen Kishore, publisher par excellence.. It should be off to the printer soon.

A sunny day with cool breezes. Hoping for a bike ride later this afternoon. Now for lunch.