Tuesday 26 November

It’s raining! The first rain we have seen, if I’m not mistaken, since we returned to California in late June. It was grey and leaden when we got up this morning, but usually the sky clears by midday and the afternoons have been brilliantly sunny, including yesterday when I met a friend on campus to talk about poetry over coffee outside Green Library and we were able to sit outside in the sun until it went down, when we moved into the library.

At 2 we headed for the hills on our bikes, got halfway up Sandhill, felt a few drops, went further, to Santa Cruz, by which time the drops were closer-spaced, reconnoitered the horizon—somewhat menacing—and turned back. Car wipers were coming on. As we walked into our apartment, it began to pour, and it has continued to pour. Love the sound of the rain on the roof. Love knowing we can stop worrying about tinder-dry conditions all around us. Of course, I’d also like it not to go on too long…but for now, we’re happy.