Recours au poème

Some poems of mine translated into French for the review Recours au poème:

This is only the second or third time some of my work has been translated, in this case by a translator and poet I met last June at the Festival de la poésie in Paris. It is exciting and a little strange to see your poems in another language. For one thing, you read them like a stranger, and you are not impressed... I'm grateful to Marilyne Bertoncini.

Back in Paris late last night. This morning cold and sunny and city noisy. Spent the day catching up on email and chores and now I am going out while there is still some sun. Did I say I don't like daylight saving--or rather I wish it would stay October all year round. I think it is my favourite season. 

Finished Anna K. Found it fairly boring at the end. That is, I knew the plot, so could hardly be carried along by what was happening to Anna. The interest, for me, was mainly in the matters that are secondary to the Anna-Vronsky plot; ie, Levin and the changes in his life and what they say about his character and his attempts to find a meaning for life. One senses that the answer in the book (Christianity, doing good) is only temporary. Already he's wondering about Jews, Moslems and Buddhists. Also interesting the changes in an agricultural society and how he, as a landowner, tries to come to terms with haves and have-nots. Plus ca change, plus...

Simonetta Agnello Horny is a lovely writer. Again the Italian bookstore in the Marais, Tour de Babel, has put me onto a wonderful author.