Paris in September

Life repeats at shorter or longer intervals. After nine months away it is good to be back and a little startling how quickly one adjusts to the change of setting, the feeling of having left just a few days ago. True, the people sleeping in the side door to the church have changed: now it is a family of Roms, by the look of the colourful bedding and the women's gypsy skirts. They turn in at nightfall--it takes them a while to set up camp, tuck themselves in, hang their laundry to dry on the railing, and when at 2 am, some yobs arrive in a noisy car, park, shout, get out, piss, toss beer cans about, one feels a little nervous for them, but no, they have other things on their mind, and I close my window and quiet myself again.

Just a reminder--I'll be reading on Tuesday the 27th at Shakespeare and Company, in the 5e, with Charles Boyle, Laura Pawson and Will Eaves.