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from Europe's Tragedy: a History of the Thirty Years War, chapter 18 (1641):
"Rulers wanted to persuade their subjects to continue paying high taxes to support armies in peacetime. These were considered necessary to promote princely dignity and facilitate a greater role in European affairs... .
"There were certainly serious problems by the 1640s. The war's rapid expansion dislocated social and economic structures and disabled territorial administration..." (p. 622)
. . .
"Resistance to recruitment and taxation was motivated by more than fear of dying or inability to pay. There was also a growing sense that royal demands were no longer reasonable.(...) Across society, people felt they were already doing more than they were obliged to. They did not feel responsible for the defeats, since command was reserved for the monarchy. Where the crown saw disobedience, its subjects saw ineptitude and injustice." (p. 657)