Upside-down road

A day of heavy rain right after my husband painted the garage door and the garden gate. So they were still sticky two days later and we all got paint on our hands. It cleared up yesterday and late in the afternoon (that is, around 3) we walked to the next small village, taking the path up past the old lavoir and cemetery into some orchards and old stone cabins, then down into another valley full of vineyards, leafless now, but still with a few bunchlets of muscatel grapes clinging to the vinestock. We stopped to nibble. Someone’s hunting dog was going in circles, a bell jingling on his collar. No sign of the owner.


 When we got to La Roque we tried a new road back that someone had told us about, but ended up circling back to the vineyard valley. Tomorrow, weather permitting, we’ll try it from the other end. The road we took was called “Chemin a l’envers,’

the ‘upside down road,’ or maybe “back road’?

