The end of the afternoon comes early these days, now that the time has changed. Yesterday I went out around four, walked through the Luxembourg Garden, partly to see if anyone had turned in my glasses to the Lost and Found. A guardian in their kiosque, behind the merry-go-round and tennis courts, pulled out a large black ledger and ran his finger down the entries...finding two pairs of glasses turned in in the last week or so, but both had been forwarded to the Police Station next to the town hall on the Place St Sulpice. Come back next week, the guardian said, sometimes the gardeners discover glasses in the leaves they sweep up.

I'll check at the police station next week, too, since I also have to arrange for a procuration for next year's presidential elections.

I had a couple errands to run, so I walked down the Rue d'Assas towards the Rue du Cherche-Midi, and the river. Night was falling, it was drizzling, but not enough to get out my umbrella, lights were coming on in apartments and shops, people were settling onto sidewalk terraces for a drink...